About Us
Papa Bears Honey Business Bio
Business Description: Papa Bear (Brent Rasmussen) is a grandfather of 13 (Papa) and is a beekeeper by hobby.
How and Why We Started: Papa Bears started when a neighbor asked if he could put hive in my orchard. I said yes because I knew I would get 3 times the fruit if the bees were there. The neighbor’s bees died each winter for 2 years making it a very expensive hobby. In the 3rd year he had a heart attack and could not lift the boxes. Papa agreed to work the bees for him and began a crash course at YouTube university 2 hours a night for 2 years along with the help of a local beekeeper. That year they lived and Papa got hooked. Now 7 years later, we have 77 colonies spread from Huntsville to Point of the Mountain which depending on the time of year amounts to about 4.3 million bees. Papa is the coordinator for sending out beekeepers in David County for catching swarms and has the most fun sitting side by side as his grandchildren ages 4-20 help sell the honey.
Products Offered: Papa Bears Honey offers the following products and services:
Honey – Pure, Natural, raw unfiltered, not pasteurized (some local, some not)
- Natural Varietal Flavors (just as the bees make it depending on the area they are put in
- Infused flavors – made by using Wildflower which is the best for help with allergies and infusing it with pure essential oils to get flavored honey that is also good to help with your allergies
- Honey Comb – Straight out of the hive, packaged for your use on charcuterie boards or to just chew
- Propolis tincture – One of the best things that comes out of the hive. It is the bee glue that bees use to sterilize the hive. Good for internal and external medicinal use. I am not a doctor so look up benefits of Propolis tincture on the internet. You will be amazed at all it does!
- Bee tours – come suit up and work the bees! Suits for all ages and sizes. We find the queen, eggs, larvae, girl and boy bees. Hold a drone bee (because they do not have stingers). Stick you finger right in and eat honey right out of the hive!
- Bees, hives and training – Think you might like to bee a keeper. Come work with me, to see if you like it before making the decision. I can sell you the bees, equipment and give you hands on training
Papa Bear's Honey is a small family owned and operated business in Layton Utah.